Class of 2026
Good morning!
On behalf of the Doherty administration, faculty, counseling department, we are looking forward to welcoming you to Doherty next fall. Here is information about your child’s course selections and the process for this spring.
First, Doherty guidance counselors will meet with your child the at 11:30 am (during their Independent Study time) on March 17th and 18th (different academies each day) to review graduation requirements and the “Grade 9 Courses” for the 2022-2023 school year. We will also show them how to navigate the Doherty Open House Website, so that they can view the different elective courses, activities at Doherty, and more.
Next, Doherty guidance counselors will receive Forest Grove teacher recommendations for levels (Honors or College) in the following required courses: english, math, biology, foreign language/academic literacy. Course levels will be indicated with the "2" at the end of the course number for “Honors” or a "3" at the end of the course number for “College.” We will also review your child’s standardized test scores.
Once the Doherty guidance counselors enter all the required courses and the elective course for each student, I will send another email message letting you know that you and your child can view the selections on his/her Student Portal: click on “SCHEDULE.”
If a parent/guardian does not agree with the course level chosen, please submit a request in writing to change any level and/or course to the student's guidance counselor at Doherty HS. (See below for assigned guidance counselor by alphabet or program.) The DEADLINE for any changes is April 8th.
There will be no elective changes made at the beginning of the school year (September 2022) unless it is an error and a course was entered incorrectly. Level changes at the beginning of the year must wait a minimum of 5 weeks (for the progress report), pending teacher recommendation for a level change.
*The ETA (Engineering Technology Academy) selections have not been determined at this time.
Therefore, your child should choose an elective on the google form. Once we receive the ETA Acceptances, we will change the elective to the “Intro to Engineering” course. You will also receive an email and letter from Doherty’s assistant principal who assists with the ETA application and selection process indicating that your child was accepted
Please see the attached list of required and elective courses that are available for incoming 9th graders. For WPS course descriptions, go to the Course Descriptions which is on Doherty's Program of Studies website.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Again, we are looking forward to the next four years in being a support for your child at Doherty.
Doherty Guidance counselors:
Ms. Tzikas (Email Ms. Tzikas) - Last names A-E
Ms. Montgomery (Email Ms. Montgomery) - Last names F- Mn
Ms. McKernan (Email Ms. McKernan) - Last names Mo - R
Ms. Knox (Email Ms. Knox) - Last names S - Z
Mr. Halfmann (Email Mr. Halfmann) - ETA (Engineering Technology Academy)
Ms. Fairfull (Email Ms. Fairfull) - AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) and Head Counselor
The Doherty Guidance Counseling Department